Sunday 4 September 2016

1st past the post...

Firstly welcome to my random ramblings.  I will admit right now that writing isn't my natural forte so blogging wise I'm off to a good start! but my brain has reached the stage where I feel the need for a Dumbledore style pensieve....a place where I can pour out thoughts, memories, trials and tribulations and just things in general that spark my imagination.

Just to quickly explain the blog name ~ being based in Scotland I thought it was an appropriate title for making small tack as Meikle means 'little' in the local Doric language.

The 'plan' (its a plan more cunning than one of  Baldrick's plans ~ yes I am a self confessed Blackadder fan) is to post once a week. The overall monthly plan being to have one hobby related book review (I adore books and have an embarrassingly large collection), a progress post of what I am currently working on, an inspiration post researching potential future projects which basically collates useful information and lastly a random post which could be anything from a museum visit, hobby art, horse breeds to a local show photo collection etc.

Seeing as I have never managed to maintain a diary I apologise at the beginning if this doesn't work out ~ life has a habit of getting in the way of grand plans!

I have no idea if anyone will ever read this outpouring but if you do happen to drop in then welcome, I hope you enjoy and please do comment if you have any questions or especially if you have any tips or feedback. I love to learn and improving is always a joy and all part of lifes never ending learning curve.

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