Saturday, 1 July 2017

Western Saddle....first attempt

I'm the kind of person that likes to make life harder than it should be....for example making a western saddle for the first time I went for a stablemate scale. The theory is if I can manage to make a half decent one in this scale it will be easier in littlebit/classic scale (I don't have space for trads)! 

This is my smallest resin, very much 32nd scale and ideal for a silver show saddle. First off I made the tree using styrene plastic and the seat with magic sculpt.

Working on patterns, which were done like the gammon bridle using low tack tape before cutting the leather 
Showing the leather and pattern pieces, the weird contraption the seat is sitting on I made to have a stable base when molding the seat with apoxie

Checking the fit on the model after covering the seat. The seat leather is a lighter colour to the rest but interestingly in this scale its hard to see the difference. Of course the bad phone photography doesn't help!

First decorations in place which aren't glued but pinned in place with super fine wire embedded in the epoxie and then guilded with silver.

Seat is just placed on top checking the design and fit at this stage

First fit of the seat jockey

All the silver done and ready to assemble the two half's. I had planned on looping the fenders through the saddle tree slots but decided it would add unwanted bulk.

Glueing in place....modelling balloons moulding the saddle to the horses shape 

There's a scrap of rubber under the panels to stop scratches and glue getting on the model

Whoop! Looks like a saddle 

Does my butt look big in this??!

Forgot to take pics of the stirrups being made, the fenders are adjustable 

So cute, I'm happy that using all the new processes worked out as I'd hoped 

Lighting was awkward but this is more the actual colour

So chuffed....

I'm planning on making it into a parade set eventually

I have some curio resins I'll try the saddle on which i will take pics of. currently working on saddle pads. All in all a very satisfying project. The thing I'm most happy with is the saddle sits into the shape of the horses back nicely, it doesn't sit too high. 

Sunday, 18 June 2017

as predicted....

I suck at blogging!  though to be fair to myself 2017 started off rather stressfully with things like noro virus, a cancer scare and a lorry crashing into my building.  Now back on track and making things again all be it at a snails pace. 
I started making a 1/32nd scale western saddle tree and this happened....

I get so distracted when I get into a project lol....classic scale for the gammon resin

fairly chuffed with how it turned out, and learning to use styrene and do the guilding was loads of fun. Its pretty much done minus flowers at the base plus flags & number.  update on the bit fail lol, glue didn't hold so I will have to try soldering eeeeeeeeeekk!  I have also been having a go at customising a resin which I will do a post on soon.